So what is all about? Well... hopefully, by the time we are done, it will be a comprehensive journal about a family of 5 who have travelled around Australia to see the sights and also do some volunteer work around the country! In Mid 2010 we started thinking about what it would take to fulfil a life-long dream... We wanted to bundle up our 3 kids, pack-up the house, jump in the car and hit the road - probably for about 12 months. It sounds so simple ... At the start of January 2013, after almost 15 months on the road; we finally completed Our Big Aussie Road Trip. We hope that you enjoyed following our adventures, trials and tribulations as much as we enjoyed having them!

20 May, 2011

Testing the waters

Once again, I come to post a blog, and I realise that it's been 6 months since I last put a blog on the page!! Bad Form! :( Oh well, I expect this to change dramatically (for the better) once we have hit the road. So what's been happening in our world...

We are still 100% dedidcated to executing our plan of packing up and heading off (against all conventional wisdom!), and it's now getting much closer to the pointy end of the stick. We still haven't told the kids that we're going to be living in very different circumstances that they are used to (for an undefined period of time), but we did manage to take 2 weeks off and take the car and van on a lovely trip North of Sydney (to Tamworth). Our primary objective of this trip was to give the van and the car a 'test drive' and check out what we like, what we want to change, how we go 'free camping' etc. I am very pleased to report that everything went very well.

One of our most treasured possessions so far is the "CAMPS 5 (Camp Snaps)" Book! It is awesome :) It is well worth buying this if you want to travel around and find heaps of free campsites - check out the link here: Camps Australia Wide We paid an average of $16 per night for our whole trip, which was fantastic. We also met some lovely people and found some beautiful places!

The Car and Van held up really well too. I will post some more comments on the 'Vehcile and Van page' but I added a rear view camera to the Van and a reversing camera to the car, so hooking up the Van, and driving is now a breeze and much less stressful, because I can actually see what's around me :) what a novelty!

We aim to mostly 'free camp' as we travel around our little island, and so this trip we've just done also was to validate that we could easily travel without power and water connected to the Van - again, the van passed with flying colours :)

I think that we'll be on the road by September - but we'll wait and see if we can get everything in order to make that timeline.